Pens with a Purpose Blog
Remnant Items
Posted by Michelle Gillett on

We make our Remnant Pens from scrap wood that would usually be discarded by other woodworkers. Our remnants are a “word picture” of how Christ can take the parts of our lives – our mistakes, our history, our choices, our talents, our experiences - those things that others might say are errors and useless - and combine them to make something beautiful and useful to share His love to others! A letter to one of our customers about her Remnant Pen. I want to share with you the reason you have a second pen. To do so, I need...
Word Picture - Get To The Core
Posted by Michelle Gillett on

After making walking sticks (staves) for adults and youth involved in the Boy Scouts of America program for 15 years, it was time to repurpose our sticks. We used the word picture below to share with others whether in the scouting program, Bible studies, coaching sport teams and co-workers. Our word picture for making pens is the same as making walking sticks. Every pen has a core - known as the heart of the pen. As you strip, pull and sand down the bark, the heart of the pen begins to reveal itself. Once the pen is sanded down smooth,...